Volunteers In Mission (VIM)

VIM, or Volunteers in Mission, embody Christian love in action as they bring their diverse talents to mission programs, projects, and institutions, local outreach ministries, and emergency response and recovery work around the world.

Volunteers are often needed to help in recovery efforts following a disaster in the US. In the initial weeks, and in some places, months, only specially trained volunteers such as those on Early Response Teams can enter an area. This is because immediately following a disaster there are many health concerns due to structural damage and water-borne illnesses. Additionally, disaster areas lack the infrastructure needed to host volunteer teams.


When an area is considered safe and able to host volunteers, teams are welcomed through United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM). Oftentimes volunteers are needed for several years following a major event.

We have been sending teams annually to respond to the need to rebuild after disasters, since 2006 when we sent a team to Biloxi, MS, following Hurricane Katrina. We invite you to join us on our latest VIM trip.

2019 VIM trip to Middletown, CA

2015 VIM trip to Weed, CA

2014 VIM trip to Colorado

If you would like to volunteer for a mission trip somewhere but you aren't sure what's available or how to do it, go to the Global Ministries Volunteer Opportunities web page and explore your options.