Greeting Card Donations for
Huge Thanks
Thanks to your contributions, I have delivered over 900 greeting cards to Friends Outside so far this year. I contributed approximately an additional 1,300 cards that I found discounted at stores. Friends Outside is an outreach mission to Sonoma County Jail inmates and is always in need of unused greeting and note cards for inmates who request them. Most desired are blank cards, birthday cards, and holiday cards, especially Christmas cards. Cards with glitter, stuck-on items, uneven edged cards or cards with cutouts, etc. are unusable at the jail, but I sort these out and take them to Angel’s Attic, so all cards are usable.
Donate Cards
Sonoma County Jail inmates may request cards from Friends Outside at any time. Helping inmates keep in touch with friends and family during their incarceration has been found to help reduce the chances of them being repeat jail residents. The Friends Outside staff do their best to accommodate special requests for a card with a specific subject such as a puppy for a child, and they customize blank cards with rubber stamps for special occasions.
It adds up!
Place your donated cards in the Outreach and Service mailboxes in the office at the Montgomery campus.
If you are not local, please consider locating an organization like Friends Outside at a jail or prison near you rather than mailing the cards to us.
Friends Outside receives 300-450 requests for cards each month, so keep those cards coming—even one or two at a time add up!
Thank you,
Ruth Norman