Stories of ​Foundation Supporters
and Projects

The Foundation has touched many lives over the years. See their stories below.

  1. Danielle Cole received scholarships from the Foundation while attending college and it made a difference for her!

  2. Bob Ryan tells why he chose to support the Foundation in his will.

  3. The story about Bill Hart illustrates how memorial gifts can leave a lasting legacy.

  4. The Forever Gift from Jo and John Bodle continues to support children's activities at FUMC.

  5. We have new Solar Panels on the roof thanks to a partnership between the FUMC church family and the Foundation achieved a major project to reduce ongoing operational costs.

Danielle Cole
" is not just talk and study, but action. You pray with your feet."

A United Methodist Foundation scholarship recipient from 2015-2019, Danielle Cole graduated in May 2019 from University of Colorado, Boulder. A recent interview with Foundation Board member Jim Wischendorff highlighted what impact church youth group can have on a young person - her experiences in Sonoma County United Methodist Youth (UMYF) made a difference in her outlook on life. Youth group was a common bond that deepened with the years of discussion, study, fun, trips and the leadership of Cassandra, the Youth Director.

Danielle Cole is an amazing young lady with a very clear perspective of the world around her. She was the recipient of a Scholarship from the United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa for four years as a student at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Because FUMC members with vision who love our church have invested in the Foundation Scholarship Fund, Danielle was able to pursue her education -- a wonderful investment!

People have played a very important role in Danielle’s life. Her grandmother, FUMC member Sharon Peterson, along with other FUMC members, friends, and neighbors, influenced Danielle to attend
church early in her life. It was through her years in the Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) that Danielle learned to care about others and to search out what SHE could do to help out. Danielle started a 2 year stint with the US Peace Corps in Sept, 2019, to put into practice what she learned at church.


Bob Ryan

“Others have helped me. I want to help others.”

With pride and humility, Bob Ryan reflects on his 97 years as a life rich with experiences, relationships and generosity. “I am thankful to God that I am as well as I am.” (Now 98)
Bob attributes much of his strength and enjoyment of life to the church, stating, “The church has been so supportive of me while I was growing up. I was surrounded by loving parents and good friends that saw me through the usual difficulties of life.” He goes on to say, “My life is grounded with the First United Methodist Church. I have found support from the church members.”
When speaking with Bob, it is very evident that his faith has been central to his life and his relations with others. As a testimony to his background and his interest in other people, Bob has included The United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa in his estate plan. His Charitable Gift Annuity Trust provides Bob with income to enjoy a happy and productive life in retirement. After his life, this generous gift from Bob Ryan will be invested with the Foundation and live for the benefit of other people…FOREVER!

The Legacy of Bill Hart

Bill Hart was a beloved member of the First United Methodist Church. He always greeted new comers with a smile, handshake and a warm welcome. He served in a number of leadership roles in the church. Bill was committed to the welfare of the church while he lived and even provided for it when he passed away earlier this year. As a practicing Christian, Bill also extended himself into the community. A long time Board member of the United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa, Bill designated the Foundation as one of two charities that friends and loved ones could contribute in lieu of flowers. To date over 200 friends, families or businesses have contributed to the Foundation. With these gifts, Bill’s legacy will live on in the church for years to come.


The Forever Gift of
Jo & John Bodle

Jo Bodle has been involved in Christian Education at the FUMC since 1960. Along with Bea Harris, Jo taught fifth grade Sunday School every Sunday for many years. Jo has served as the church school leader, led MYF (now called UMYF), and has supported the growth and development of youth and adults since becoming a member of the FUMC in 1957.
To ensure that their interest in Christian Education continues, Jo and her husband John have established the Christian Education Fund through the United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa. The principle of the fund remains “forever” endowed with the Foundation, and the earnings from the investment of the funds are made available for education projects. Jo and John state that “the Foundation is a good way to help the church. The funds that we have placed in the trust will keep going and will support Christian Education long after we are gone.” Jo and John have created a Forever Gift to the church that keeps on giving for education.

*For information on how you can establish a Forever Gift to help support your special interests in FUMC,
please check out the information on Gifts and Giving on this website OR contact the current Board President.

The Sun

is Shining
with Solar

For two years prior to installing a solar energy system on the roof at Montgomery campus, the annual electric bill was approximately $21,000! Thanks to the generosity of a church family, a partial system was installed in 2014-15, and the bill was cut by 1/3 ($7,500) the first year!

During late 2015, the same church family that had donated the initial solar system, decided to provide $15,000 for more solar panels to keep improving our energy installation. As panels are expensive, it made sense to see if other congregation members would donate additional funds to leverage this $15,000, allowing FUMC to do all the work at once, making a significant reduction in the utility bills. The church was in the PG&E’s top pricing tier, since the more energy used, the more expensive it is priced per Kwh. The goal was to DOUBLE the existing system, adding at least another 40 panels. The quote came in at $36,000.

A handful of members were approached to see if they would be willing to “sponsor a panel”. The Foundation was approached and agreed to match additional funds raised, up to $10,000. Church members & families donated $11,000, the Foundation matched the $10,000, AND with the original $15,000 donation – FUMC reached the needed $36,000 goal!

Corona Solar started installation in early June, 2016 and was completed before the end of the summer. The enlarged energy system will further cut FUMC’s annual electricity cost to an estimated $5,900 per year – a whopping 21% return on the cost of the system, replacing expensive electricity with sun-generated electricity. And, since the panels are guaranteed to operate at or near their current sun-to-electricity conversion levels for 20 years, over that time, we estimate FUMC will save $302,000. This does not take into account any future increases to PG&E rates - so as rates increase, the savings will be even greater.

The Sun is Truly Shining on FUMC!

*If YOU know of a story of someone or a project that was helped by a Foundation Grant, please let us know.