Butterfly Class
(4 year olds/Pre-K)
The Butterfly class shares two adjoining rooms. One room is set up for housekeeping, dress-up and dramatic play, reading, writing, a computer center, and a listening center where children can listen to books on tape. The other room has puzzles, large and small manipulatives, blocks, a sensory table and an easel for painting. Both rooms are used for art projects, music, and circle time.
Caterpillar Class
(2-3 year olds)
The Caterpillar class has expanded to two classrooms with areas set up for housekeeping, dress-up and dramatic play, large and small manipulatives, a cozy book corner, and a sensory table. The children have music, art, and circle time in the rooms. The Caterpillar class has a changing table as well as a bathroom, so any 2 year old who is already potty trained or is in the process of potty training has facilities close at hand.
We are fortunate to have a large room to play in on rainy days. There is enough space to set out a variety of toys and activities. The children can run and get out their extra energy, shoot baskets, play ball, and climb on the climbing blocks. There are spots around the room set up for quieter activities as well, such as reading, coloring, doing puzzles, or playing house.
The gym is also used for special visitors and events, such as the fire department's fire safety demonstration, the Halloween parade, holiday parties, bike day, and the spaghetti dinner.

Play Yard
We have a large play yard with a climbing structure, a playhouse, a boat, a teeter-totter, a sandbox, and a bike area. There are tables in the yard that are used for small toys, art projects, lunch and snacks. We have a small garden area which is open for digging in the winter. In the spring the children plant flowers and vegetables and in the summer and fall we all enjoy harvesting the produce.