Men’s Ministries

  • Thursday Morning Men's Breakfast

    The Thursday Morning Men’s Breakfast Group is a group of about 12 - 15 men who meet at 8 am each week in the McMullin Room where they enjoy a breakfast prepared by a member of the group, share conversation, and discuss the day’s reading from a designated book. You can join in anytime—drop-ins are welcome. For first-time attenders, breakfast is free; thereafter, $5. Meets year-round.

  • Men’s Saturday Breakfast

    Meets on the last Saturday of each month (with occasional exceptions due to holidays or conflicting activities) at 8 am in the McMullin Room. Breakfast is prepared by two members of the group. Suggested $5 donation. Excess funds are collected and applied to FUMC projects. All men are invited.

  • Men In Fellowship

    This group meets for fellowship and fun usually at the home of a member. Look for announcements of future events.

  • Men's Lunch Bunch

    This group meets every Tuesday at 11:30 am for lunch at a local eatery. Look for announcements weekly for this week's location.


Please identify the group(s) in which you are interested and we will connect you to the group leader(s).