2023 Lenten Bible Study

“Entering the Passion of Jesus” - Led by Pastor Hyun Ho (Peter) Park


Have you ever been invited to a dinner or party that you did not expect much at first but you found out there are a lot of good food? Well, this Bible/Book study is like that in a spiritual and intellectual sense. At least, that is the case with me. (Pastor Peter speaking here :)

This year’s Lenten Bible/Book study—which will be provided in two forms: one by Zoom and the other by in-person—follows “Entering the Passion of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine, University Professor of New Testament at Vanderbilt Divinity School. In it, Professor Levine explains how Jesus risked his life, as he enters Jerusalem and thus passion, and invites us to do the same. This study will be enriching because this year’s Lenten worship and sermon series is also based on Dr. Levine’s book.

*”Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week” is required for the study. Hard copies are available at church, though limited. You may also go online and buy one.

In-Person: Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 p.m.
@ McMullin Room

Via Zoom: Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m.


1st Week (2/28 & 3/1): 1. Jerusalem: Risking Refutation

2nd Week (3/7 & 8): 2. The Temple: Risking Righteous Anger

3rd Week (3/14 & 15): 3. Teachings: Risking Challenge

4th Week (3/21 & 22): 4. The First Dinner: Risking Rejection

5th Week (3/28 & 29): 5. The Last Supper: Risking the Loss of Friends

6th Week (4/4 & 5): 6. Gethsemane: Risking Temptation

“When a friend comes to you and says, “What is the cross that you’re bearing? What is the cause that you have taken up? How much have you risked?,” do you know what your answer is? That’s entering into Lent. That’s entering the Passion.” Amy-Jill Levine, Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week (Nashville: Abingdon, 2018), 17.

Choose Your Time

Select a time that will fit your schedule.
*If you have any question, please contact Pastor Peter at peter.park@fumcsantarosa.org