2022 Lenten Bible Study

“Come Lose Your Life” - Led by Pastor Hyun Ho (Peter) Park


In this year’s Lenten Bible study, which will be provided in two sessions—one in-person and the other via Zoom—we will join Jesus’ travel to Jerusalem in Luke’s Gospel (this year’s Gospel reading from lectionary) and think about his teachings. With the central question for each passage along with other inquiries you might have, we will search for what the scripture is telling us today and how and why Jesus is still inviting us to follow him.

*No textbook is required but your reflections and responses to each week’s text and main question are most welcome.

In-Person: Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 p.m.
@ McMullin Room

Via Zoom: Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m.


1st Week (3/8 & 9): Luke 4:1-13 - Temptation of Jesus
(“What do we choose when we are tempted?”)

2nd Week (3/15 & 16): Luke 13:31-35 & 9:28-36, (37-43a) - “Jesus’ Sorrow for Jerusalem” & “Transfiguration and Healing of a Boy with a Demon”
(“What compels you to do the right thing against hostilities?”)

3rd Week (3/22 & 23): Luke 13:1-9 - “Repent or Perish”
(“What should be our attitude toward our family and friends?”)

4th Week (3/29 & 30): Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 - “Parable of the Prodigal Son”
(“Who do you say God is?”)

5th Week (4/5 & 6): Luke 19:28-40 - “Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem”
(“Why do you call Jesus the King?”)

6th Week (4/12 & 13): Luke 23:26-43 - “The Crucifixion of Jesus”
(“How to live a meaningful life?”)

Choose Your Time

Select a time that will fit your schedule.
*If you have any question, please contact Pastor Peter at peter.park@fumcsantarosa.org


1st Zoom Session Video

March 8, 2022: Luke 4:1-13 - Temptation of Jesus
(“What do we choose when we are tempted?”)

*Click the video and let the learning begin!


2nd Zoom Session Video

March 15, 2022: Luke 13:31-35 - Jesus’ Sorrow for Jerusalem
(“What compels you to do the right thing against hostilities?”)

*Click the video and let the learning begin!


3rd Zoom Session Video

March 22, 2022: Luke 13:1-9 - Repent or Perish
(“What should be our attitude toward our family and friends?”)

*Click the video and let the learning begin!


4th Zoom Session Video

March 29, 2022: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 - Parable of the Prodigal Son
(“Who do you say God is?”)

*Click the video and let the learning begin!