Children and families are the key focal point of my career in Early Childhood Development. My work spans over 49 years and in my early beginnings I was called to care for Medically Fragile Children. The Lord planted a seed in me that I recognized as my path, and it took root. This sparked my interest and advocacy for ability awareness and inclusion, which opened opportunities both personally and professionally.
I was naturally drawn to the administration and management of Early Childhood Education and Development and found a comfortable niche with nonprofit programs; I had three opportunities as a Program Director. This includes FUMC, YMCA Preschool, and Christ Methodist Preschool. I spent 16 years as the Disabilities Mental Health Service’s Manager for the Sonoma County Head Start and Early Head Start. I formally retired in 2020.
The Lord had another plan. So, when Diane called me and asked if I would come to teach temporarily, I said yes. And out of retirement and back to being a part of children’s daily lives, supporting their unique and individual growth. It is so joyful working with this wonderful team of dedicated educators.